A Caution From the Authors:
We have published The Glorious Church and
established this website primarily for the
purpose of inspiring thought. Our desire is
to provoke apostolic-minded men and women to
stop and consider: are we currently headed
in the right direction, or do we need to
make some radical changes to line up with
God’s plan for the Church? We believe the
matters addressed on this website need to be
brought up, discussed, and considered in the
light of God’s purpose for the Church.
It is not our intention to attack or
insult any person who is presently serving
in a leadership capacity; neither is it our
desire to stir up any believers against
their leaders. Believers who are
convinced that change in a local assembly is
in order need to take their petitions to the
Lord Jesus and approach their leaders with
humility and grace.
We recognize that there is no quick and
simple process for transforming an
established assembly from the single leader
model to the multiple leader model. For
those who desire to move in that direction,
we encourage a prayerful, careful, and
thoughtful approach, keeping in mind that
the structure of oversight is not the only
consideration. We readily acknowledge that
an assembly under the leadership of a group
of immature, proud, biblically unqualified
men is in great danger of shipwreck. The
spirit of leadership is just as important as
the form.
We acknowledge that believers who find
themselves in disagreement with their
leaders over any matter presented on this
website are in a difficult position. We
strongly admonish them not to use any of the
ideas on this site to sow discord in their
local assembly. It is a time for earnest
prayer, not backbiting and criticism, no
matter how subtle. The true condition of a
person’s heart is often revealed by how he
handles disagreements. The humble man
quietly turns to the Lord; the prideful man
devises his own solution.
This is not to imply that local
assemblies are free to chose whatever form
of oversight structure they want, as though
one is just as good as another. It is simply
to accept the present reality in most
assemblies and to emphasize that for
profound change to take place without
endangering the flock, many deeply ingrained
concepts will need to change within the
hearts of both the leaders and the led. This
will require patience and the Holy Spirit.
To pour new wine into old wineskins only
tears things apart.
Through the writings on this website, we
have attempted to describe the Church the
Lord Jesus is building as it appears in the
Scriptures. We believe that understanding
and receiving the elements of this
description is vital if the body of Christ
is to give glory to God while standing
victorious against the growing persecution.
God’s people must be prepared, and that
preparation must begin now. We ask that you
please consider the points we have presented
and pray with us that Jesus would lead each
of us into “all truth” by the power of His
glorious Spirit.
David Huston and Jim McKinley |