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We started a free, on-line home group network in September of 2003 where our goal is to gather and minister to saints and connect them to others in their area who are without a biblically sound, New Testament church or fellowship and who desire to belong to such and or help form the same.
The title of our group is 'New Testament House Churches'(NTHC.) and can be accessed here:
The goal is not to remain individual churches in the homes of saints, but for all of the households in a particular local to work towards forming ONE, New Testament Church per city or town with biblically ordained elders and deacons.
We believe that this is a much needed ministry as there are saints scattered about who are in search of the Church that Jesus is building.
When potential members apply, they automatically receive a file detailing what we believe so that they can decide for themselves whether or not we are what they are looking for. We are basically old-time, holiness Pentecostals who have not only received a love for the fundamental truths of the last century, but have received a love for the truth of eldership and various other old paths and doctrines that Pentecostalism has lost or remains debase of.
Please feel free to list our group as a resource or give out our e-mail, etc. to any other saints like Linda who are looking for likeminded brothers and sisters.
Sincerely I pray,
Lori Ann in L.A.