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Why does the way I dress bother me?

Submitted: 3/17/2007
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Question: When I am in stores and out in public, people look at me weird, because I wear skirts all the time. I don`t like it when peolpe think of me as 'different' just because of my religion and the way I dress, it bothers me. What could I do when people look at me as 'different', so that it doesn`t bother me. Thank you.

Answer: One of the meanings of the word 'holy' is 'different.' There is no way around it, true holiness makes us different from the people in the world around us. There are several things we would say to you. First, even today there are still many women who wear skirts and dresses, not because of their faith, but because they think it looks nice. Therefore, we fail to see why you would stand out that much in a store. Second, my wife has worn nothing but skirts and dresses for years and most people look at her with admiration and because she looks so wholesome. Which brings us to the third point. We think you are far too self-conscious about this, and we can't help but wonder how devoted you are to the Lord. After all, have you considered how Jesus feels about your attitude? At least he is not so extreme as Allah. Have you ever seen an Islamic woman in a burka? All Jesus asks of us is that we be modest and give him glory. We think you need a good prayer meeting. :-)